
Clouni client

Clouni requires Python 3.6+ to be used.

To install Clouni client is recommended to create virtual environment and install requirements in your environment.

python3 -m venv $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni
source $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni/bin/activate

With pip (without easy install scripts):

pip install --extra-index-url clouni-client


git clone

It’s recommended not to use $CLOUNI_HOME as your $VIRTUALENV_HOME.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Easy install

After installing the client, you can install all the necessary microservices (except the storage API) by running just one command!

Steps for installation on remote server:

Fill the hosts.ini file like this:

[provider_tool_host] ansible_user=ubuntu
[configuration_tool_host] ansible_user=ubuntu
[grpc_cotea_host] ansible_user=ubuntu

Then run:

pip install ansible==2.9.19
ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto
cd ansible_installer
ansible-playbook main.yaml -i hosts.ini

IMPORTANT! For authentication in the cloud based on OpenStack Clouni uses the clouds.yaml file. You can download it from your cloud provider site. It is necessary to place this file in /etc/openstack dir on the client’s computer (in the case of easy install or docker install), or on a server with grpc cotea. The same logic applies to the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files when using the Amazon AWS provider. Do not forget to enter your password/token in this file.

For local deployment:

Replace addresses to or localhost in hosts.ini. Example:

localhost ansible_connection=local

Docker install

Run following command:

cd compose_installer
docker-compose up -d

You can also install each of the services in Docker separately:

docker run --name clouni-provider-tool -d -p <ip_address>:<port>:50051 clouni/clouni-provider-tool:latest
docker run --name clouni-configuration-tool -d -p <ip_address>:<port>:50052 clouni/clouni-configuration-tool:latest
docker run --name grpc-cotea -d -p <ip_address>:<port>:50151 clouni/grpc-cotea:latest

Or build an image from Dockerfile (located in the root folder of services):

docker build -t clouni-provider-tool - < dockerfile
docker build -t clouni-configuration-tool - < dockerfile

Clouni provider tool

Clouni provider tool requires Python 3.6+ to be used.

To install Clouni provider tool is recommended to create virtual environment and install requirements in your environment.

The user can install the services manually. To do this, run the following commands on the Clouni provider tool server.

python3 -m venv $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni
source $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni/bin/activate

With pip:

pip install --extra-index-url clouni-provider-tool


git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Now you can start the server:

clouni-provider-tool --host -p 5000

Clouni configuration tool

Clouni configuration tool requires Python 3.6+ to be used.

To install Clouni configuration tool is recommended to create virtual environment and install requirements in your environment.

The user can install the services manually. To do this, run the following commands on the Clouni configuration tool server.

python3 -m venv $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni
source $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni/bin/activate

With pip:

pip install --extra-index-url clouni-configuration-tool


git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Now you can start the server:

clouni-configuration-tool --host -p 5000

Grpc cotea

The user can install the services manually. Grpc-cotea requires Python 3.8+ to be used.

python3 -m venv $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni
source $VIRTUALENV_HOME/clouni/bin/activate
pip install grpcio==1.37.1
pip install grpcio-tools==1.37.1
pip install -i grpc-cotea==0.9.5
pip install ansible==2.9.19
pip install openstacksdk==0.46.1
pip install boto3 botocore urllib3 bs4

Now you can start the server:

nohup grpc-cotea --host { please insert here host ip address } -p 5000 &

Create directory for additional modules and artifacts (custom Ansible scripts):

mkdir -p /tmp/clouni/

Don’t forget about authentication! Most of providers require authentication for using there resources. Authentication is users responsibility. For example, to use OpenStack you must download your OpenStack RC file and source it or use the clouds.yaml file on the server where grpc-cotea is installed. The same logic applies to the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files when using the Amazon AWS provider.

For software configuration on virtual servers, Clouni creates a key pair using the path to the key on the server where grpc-cotea is installed that you specify in --public-key-path. For creating key run:


Database API

The installation guide is located in


Logs of each of the microservices can be found here:

  1. provider tool - $HOME/.clouni-provider-tool.log

  2. configuration tool - $HOME/.clouni-configuration-tool.log

  3. grpc-cotea - $HOME/cotea.log